

Participating in wellbeing surveys as a builder or tradie is a good step toward creating a healthier and more supportive workplace environment. The data collected from these surveys helps us understand the levels of mental wellbeing and psychological resilience in the industry.

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2024 Live Well Build Well Survey Key Findings


Compared to 2023, residential construction workers reported being less stressed and lonely.

There are fewer workers reporting poor emotional wellbeing.

There has also been a decrease in the proportion of workers who state that they experienced stress all / most of the time at work in the last year.

Residential construction workers also appear to be taking more action to maintain or improve their wellbeing.

There remains a strong correlation between higher participation in wellbeing activities and feeling mentally well.

Despite these mental wellbeing improvements, the wellbeing of those working in the sector remains slightly below that of New Zealanders overall.


The majority of residential construction workers stated that they are highly satisfied with their job. However, there has been an increase  in workers’ reporting that they are dissatisfied with their work–life balance.

94% indicated that having a good work–life balance is important to them, only two thirds are satisfied with this aspect of their current job.

The relationship with their team / colleagues was most frequently reported as the most positive aspect of residential construction work. Talking to workmates about things other than work continues to be the top action taken by workers to maintain or improve their wellbeing.

After two years of Live Well, Build Well approximately 1 in 3 residential construction workers have at least heard of it, with 18% stating that they know at least a little bit about the programme.

Those who state that Live Well, Build Well has helped them most frequently reported that it has provided them with the tools / methods to help themselves deal with stress.

Full report 2024 Residential Construction Wellbeing Annual Survey

2023 Live Well Build Well Survey Key Findings

The residential construction sector’s life satisfaction and emotional wellbeing is comparable to New Zealanders overall.

Participation in wellbeing activities is high.

There is a strong correlation between higher participation in wellbeing activities and feeling well.

Pay, the nature of construction work, and workload are the key challenges facing those who work in the sector.

The sector is perceived to be more stressed by those who work in it than their own results indicate.

There is a strong correlation between positive actions around work and higher job satisfaction and lower levels of work-related stress.

Formalised wellbeing programmes are relatively rare, but most know how to seek help and feel supported with their wellbeing at work.

Full report 2023 Residential Construction Wellbeing Annual Survey

This research is our first annual survey using a nationally representative sample of residential construction workers. The results show a reasonable level of awareness of mental wellbeing and how to maintain good everyday mental health. This provides a positive basis on which to further support the industry in increasing the wellbeing of workers and related gains in work satisfaction, health, and injury reduction.

Foundational Research Report

One off qualitative foundational research 2022. This  research was done at the start of the Live Well Build Well Programme. It gave an in depth understanding of what is important to builders and tradies when it comes to their wellbeing.


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