How can our business get involved?
Toolbox Talk
Invite us to lead a toolbox talk with your team. The focus of LWBW is in the learnable skills of Mental Fitness to prevent ill health and to become more resilient to the inevitable challenges the construction industry will continue to face.
Share Content
Share our interview stories with your teams. Sharing our mental fitness video content and builder tradie interviews is a smart move to empower your workers with essential mental fitness skills.
Follow Us
Like and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

Share your Story
Participate in an interview and share your personal story. Sharing your personal story of resilience within the construction community serves as a starting point for inspiring others to lead happier, healthier lives.
Participate in our annual wellbeing surveys
Become a Champion
Become a LWBW Champion by completing our online module training.
More Ways to get involved

Be Part of the Research
Arrange a Tool Box Talk
If you are interested in arranging a ToolBox Talk for your workplace or team, we would love to speak with you.
Please fill out the form and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss details.